- Basic English Certification
- Basic Maths Certification
- Becoming a Higher-Level Teaching Assistant Certification
- British Sign Language Certification
- Bullying in Schools Awareness and Prevention Certification
- Improving School Attendance Certification
- Lesson Planning for Teachers Certification
- Managing Classroom Behaviour Certification
- Note Taking Certification
- Play Therapy Certification
- Positive Handling in Schools Certification
- Self-harm Awareness Certification
- SEND Certification
- Speech Therapist Introduction Certification
- Teaching Adults to Read Certification
- Teaching Assistant Certification Level 2
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Certification
- Teaching Phonics Certification
- Teaching Phonics Level 2 Certification
- The Key Stages of the National Curriculum Certification
- Art Therapy Certification
- Caring for the Elderly Certification
- Child Attachment Certification
- Child Minding Certification
- Child Neglect Awareness Certification
- Child Protection Certification
- Child Protection in Sport Certification
- Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Certification
- Counselling Certification
- Dementia Awareness Certification
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Certification
- Disability Awareness Certification
- End of Life Care Certification
- EYFS Teaching Certification Level 3
- Health and Social Care Certification Level 3
- Introduction to Child Counselling Certification
- Introduction to Independent Living Certification
- Introduction to Psychology Certification
- Introduction to REBT: Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Certification
- Learning Disabilities Awareness Certification
- Manual Handling Certification
- Mental Health Awareness Certification
- Mental Wellbeing in Children and Young People Certification
- Nursery Assistant Certification
- People Handling Certification
- Preventing Falls in Older People Certification
- Privacy and Dignity Certification
- Safeguarding Adults Certification
- Safeguarding Children Certification
- Safeguarding Children on the Internet Certification
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Certification
- Supporting People with Physical Disabilities Certification
- Boost Your Work Efficiency Certification
- Confidence On Camera Certification
- Delivering Useful Feedback in a Corporate Setting Certification
- Developing a Career Strategy Certification
- Handling Conflict in High-Value Relationships Certification
- Managing Emotions at Work Certification
- Managing Your Workload Certification
- Minute Taking Certification
- Practical Leadership Skills Certification
- Public Speaking Certification
- Questioning and Listening Techniques Certification
- Stress Management In the Workplace Certification
- Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Certification
- Time and Priority Management at Work Certification
- Touch Typing and Shorthand Certification